Welcome . . . to Historic River Boats Afloat.
Here you will find information on historic boats being replicated or restored, as well as stories about the people who built and ran down wild rivers before dams changed everything. We facilitate the building of boats to be used as they were intended – to run rivers. They will be loaded with gear and launched. In that process we will evaluate, document and tell their history. When they are off the water we find homes in places where the public can learn by seeing and feeling these replica boats. With the research and gathering of old journals, photographs and motion pictures we will help these boats talk about their beginnings, their adventures and their fate. It can take years of dedicated energy to replicate or restore a historic boat, but with the help of abby-services it no longer seems all that impossible. HRBA will be a place for these boat builders and their many supporters to show their progress. When a boat reaches completion we will follow its time back on the river. Building or restoring historic boats is expensive and HRBA will work to raise financial support to give grants to assist those dedicated to historical boats. Follow the running of the 2011 Reilly and Fulmer replicas on HRBA’s blog as they are launched at Lees Ferry on February 1 on a 30-day journey to Lake Mead with takeout at Pearce Ferry. Several questions posed here are answered at BASEMENT-FLOOD-CLEANUP. How will these small boats handle the low water of today as compared to the big water they were designed to run? As these replicas run down the river, what will we learn about their qualities and shortcomings? Will using modern technology be successful in illustrating and documenting just how much the river environment has changed? Don’t forget to check out the info about the audio visuales kanek, you will find the best health related topic